Arthur W. Auchenbach III, PE
Partner/ President
Art joined us in November 2000 and is now a partner in the firm. He works out of our Reading office. Art has a BS Degree in Civil Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Art began his career in the consulting engineering field (Ludgate Engineering and Spotts, Stevens & McCoy). He then spent some time at Brentwood prior to joining Riordan Materials Corporation. Art lives in the Reading area with his wife Amy, two sons and one daughter. His hobbies include coaching soccer (a passion), hunting, and home projects. Art is a member of PWEA, PA-AWWA, EPWPCOA, and CPWQA. Art is a past Secretary-Treasurer for PWEA and is currently serving as President of PWEA. Art is covering accounts in the Southeastern PA and South Central PA portion of our territory.